About Philanthropy
A working glossary of terms to help shape a common language for work in Community Capacity.
How Can Grantmakers Focus on Nonprofit Talent to Grow Impact? explores the importance of supporting nonprofit talent development, the unique talent needs of nonprofits seeking to grow their impact and how grantmakers can help.
Find key terms frequently used to describe philanthropy in this glossary developed by the United Philanthropy Forum.
Creating a New World of Learning: A Toolkit for Changemakers is a guide to help individuals and organizations become active catalysts and creators of a new world of learning. This new world of learning will:

Read this blueprint for family engagement, providing strategies and approaches to involving the next generation.
This white paper examines the relationship between encouraging sustainable communities and enhancing access to opportunity for lower-income people and people of color.

What can grantmaker do to help their grantees manage executive transitions more effectively? Get tips and best practices from Grantcraft.
Find a collection of resources on the how-tos of building your organization's budget.
A collection of the President's letters to CNJG Members from the monthly newsletter.