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Membership Renewal

Membership Renewal

2025 CNJG Membership Renewal

Thank you for your membership investment with CNJG!

We continue using our contactless renewal process for the 2025 membership year. We no longer mail renewal notices. The “primary contact” for each member will receive the renewal notification by email in mid-October, 2024

“[CNJG has] done an amazing job of meeting people where they need to be in terms of providing additional resources and access to people in the know to help us navigate through very unchartered waters.”
-Margarethe Laurenzi, Maher Charitable Foundation

The dues investment for 2025 includes a Board-approved 3% increase. Members should base their 2025 dues on either:
   1.  Your 2024 giving or
   2.  An average of the past three years in giving (2022, 2023, 2024).

The chart of dues, based on your annual giving is below:

Annual Giving Level 2025 CNJG Dues
$ 0 to $ 100,000 $ 770
$ 100,001 to $ 250,000 $ 925
$ 250,001 to $ 500,000 $ 1,440
$ 500,001 to $ 750,000 $ 1,850
$ 750,001 to $ 1 million $ 2,575
$ 1 million to $ 2 million $ 3,580
$ 2 million to $ 3 million $ 5,715
$ 3 million to $ 5 million $ 8,240
$ 5 million to $7.5 million $ 10,400
$ 7.5 million to $10 million $ 10,750
$ 10 million to $15 million $12,875
$ 15 million to $20 million $15,750
$ 20 million to $30 million $23,000
$ 30 million to $50 million $25,750
$ 50 million to $75 million $35,800
$ 75 million and above $41,700

The membership period begins January 1, 2024 and runs through December 31, 2025.

Some members choose to make all or a portion of their dues in the form of a grant. For tax purposes, all dues in excess of $770 may be reasonably reported as a grant.



Government Agency members and Associate members (CDFIs and Philanthropic Advisors) each have a different dues calculation. Government Agencies dues are a percentage of your administrative budget, and associate members are a flat rate for dues. Please click on the appropriate renewal button below to renew.



For additional criteria for dues calculations (ie. sun-setting foundations, those headquartered outside the state, and other special circumstances), please visit the Membership Policies section of our join page.

Renewal notices are due annually by March 31 with payments due by June 30. You can complete the renewal form today and wait to pay any time before June 30. If you need to pay after June 30, please note the alternate payment date on the renewal form. Please contact Craig Weinrich, Director of Member Services at 609-414-7110 x802 to make payment arrangements by check, EFT, or credit card (CNJG will add a 3% fee for memberships paid by credit card).

Leadership Gifts

“Engagement with other COVID funds throughout the state as we think about how to be most strategic have been really helpful to understand what others are doing and the implications of how we do our grantmaking activities.”
-Andy Fraizer, Community Foundation of South Jersey

Some members include an additional gift to help cover the costs of CNJG’s operations. Membership dues cover about 40% of our operations. These welcomed and unrestricted funds help underwrite the many programs and services that CNJG provides to our members and the philanthropic sector.

Please indicate your additional leadership gift on the renewal form when you complete it.

2025 Renewal Timeline

  • Mid-October 2024 – CNJG membership renewal notices are emailed to the designated “primary” contact;
  • March 31, 2025 – CNJG membership renewal commitments due (payment can be received later)
  • June 30, 2025 – Dues should be paid by this date. Some members pay in the second half of the year, and CNJG appreciates knowing before then that you are renewing. Members that have not paid by this date, or indicated to CNJG that payment is forthcoming by this date, will be considered lapsed and removed as members.
  • Mid-October, 2025 – Renewals for 2026 will be emailed.

2025 Member Renewal Process

  1. The link to our online renewal notice will be emailed to your designated “primary contact” in mid-October. In subsequent reminders, the invoices will be emailed to both the "primary contact" and the "billing contacts" at the organization. If you have not received any renewal notice, please let Craig know. You can complete the renewal notice here.
  2. Complete and return the renewal notice with either:
    The amount of dues you are paying (based on your giving outlined above) and when CNJG can anticipate the payment.
    Your pledge to pay at a later point in the year. Payment should be received by CNJG before June 30. Please contact Craig if an alternate payment date is needed.
  3. Submit the renewal notice/invoice with payment or your pledge to renew by March 31.
  4. Update your contact information by having one of your “administrative contacts” update this information on the website. There are tutorials on our website about this process, or contact Craig with questions.

Looking Ahead to 2026

Our expectation is that for 2026, we’ll ask members to base their giving on your past three years average, or on your 2025 giving. We will also include the annual CNJG board-approved 3% increase in dues. CNJG has mapped out the dues rates for the next several years, so members can budget accordingly.

Thank you for being a part of the CNJG membership as we support and elevate New Jersey’s philanthropic community through shared learning, collaborative and trusting relationships, network building, and leadership.