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Membership in the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers offers foundation leaders and grantmakers the opportunity to deepen their experience with the organization by serving on a Board committee. Committee members lead, recommend, and develop policies that help shape our organization. The commitment level for each committee varies and includes an expectation that members will participate in regularly scheduled meetings either in person or via Zoom, and other planning calls as needed, as well as be willing to participate in independent projects as they arise. Members usually join those committees best suited to their professional strengths. Individual members of the CNJG staff team are assigned to each committee.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee advises the Board of Trustees in overseeing the selection and performance of the Council’s independent auditors, conducting periodic RFPs for auditor services, the quality and integrity of the Council’s financial reporting, its fiscal controls and tax and regulatory compliance, and compliance with legal and accepted standards. An audit or finance background/experience is desirable for some of the members of this Committee.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee advises the Board of Trustees with all financial policies and strategies, including but not limited to: consultation and review of the annual budget(s), reviewing and monitoring financial reporting, approving and monitoring investments, and developing and approving significant financial policies. A background in finance and financial operations is desirable for some of the members of this group.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee acts as a nominating committee for vacant board seats and board officers, develops a board slate each year, recommends by-law changes, develops board membership criteria on an annual basis, recommends and develops best practices and expectations for trustees and the board chair, and undertakes any other board governance-related issues.

Member Engagement Committee

The Member Engagement Committee works with the staff to recruit, retain and engage members. Committee members assist in identifying new prospects, setting up and participating in introductory meetings, and keeping prospective members informed of upcoming CNJG programs. It also collaborates with staff members to develop the structure and strategy of membership recruitment and retention activities, as well as recommending changes and/or updates to criteria for membership in CNJG to the Board.

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee advises the Board and Council on public policy matters as appropriate, develops recommendations on specific legislation or proposed regulatory activity, implements the Council’s policy agenda, engages in government relations activities, and actively collaborates with partners to move forward the CNJG’s policy agenda and favorable legislation and regulations to support the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors.

Racial Equity Committee

The Racial Equity Committee was first formed as a taskforce in 2020 as a reaction to systemic and structural racism embedded within the United States, and CNJG’s commitment to raising awareness and instigating change in New Jersey’s philanthropic community. In June 2023 the taskforce was designated a committee of the Board by the Board, and is committed to infusing racial equity throughout CNJG’s programming and structures. In 2024 and 2025, the committee will focus efforts on creating tools and resources to move forward the New Jersey Principles for Philanthropy, CNJG’s equity principles.

Signature Programs Committee

The Signature Programs Committee helps plan and recommend topics, speakers, etc. for CNJG's Signature events including the Annual Meeting & Holiday Gathering, and Spring Colloquium or Spring Conference. When called upon, its members may assist with other (non-affinity group) meetings or events throughout the year.

Strategic Plan Implementation Committee

After the ratification of the Strategic Plan in June 2022, the Strategic Planning Committee became the Strategic Plan Implementation Committee, and its mission is to ensure the implementation of the plan from a Board perspective.