Sample Document/Template
The Johnson Center for Philanthropy has developed this new Program Officer Competency Model©. A competency model delineates the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that are required for effective performance in a particular job or profession.
Guide your philanthropy clients through the complexities of their work in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) with our DEI Toolkit for Consultants to Grantmakers.
Sample job descriptions for President and CEO or Executive Director positions at community foundations.
Grantmaking at the Crossroads is a workbook designed to provide foundations with a new grantmaking methodology that works at the intersection of place, population, and issue.

More than a decade ago, the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers and Philanthropy New York spearheaded a project to develop common application and report forms to help streamline the grant application process and ease the often time-consuming grant preparation process.
Sample conflict of interest policies for Community Foundations.

This workbook from Idealware and NTEN addresses the disconnect between the tactical work of collecting and tracking data and the strategic work of defining and using the data for the organization's mission.