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This report estimates the macroeconomic and fiscal impacts of Hurricane Sandy on the economy of New Jersey using the R/ECON™ forecasting model of the state’s economy. The model consists of more than 250 quarterly time-series equations and 30 employment sectors.

Audience: All Funders
This report from the Investment Strategy Group (ISG) in the Goldman Sachs Investment Management Division provides a new approach to strategic asset allocation, which leverages the idea that long-term investment returns derive from multiple distinct sources called “return-generating factors.”
Audience: Executive Staff
Topic: Finance

This report contains compensation data for positions at community, private (family and independent), public and corporate foundations, and other staffed grantmaking entities.

A new wave of efforts designed to break the cycle of poverty and revitalize distressed communities is attracting attention and support from every segment of society. Prominent among these efforts are six emerging national networks: Building Sustainable Communities, Choice Neighborhoods, Promise Neighborhoods, Purpose Built Communities, Strive, and The Integration Initiative.
