The Silicon Valley Out-of-School-Time Collaborative invested in a cohort of regional nonprofit organizations to sustain and strengthen their ability to serve more students with stronger academic and social-emotional programming. A midcourse evaluation of the collaborative showed that grantees were stronger, programs were better and are reaching more students, and funders had adopted new, collaborative grantmaking practices. A second phase of the work was committed to more flexibility –– letting grantees drive the group’s planning and learning efforts, and manage consultants, budgeting and group communications. Grantees also opted to redirect the focus of the collaborative from capacity building to program development and evaluation, with the added goal of sharing effective afterschool and summer program models with others, both inside and outside the region.

Communities thrive when people are housed comfortably, safely, and affordably. This is especially true for children. And when children thrive, their educational and other outcomes are more likely to be positive. Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers' What Funders Need to Know looks at the connection between stable housing and educational outcomes.
Expanding Minds and Opportunities is a collection of articles presenting examples of effective practices, programs and partnerships demonstrating the power of afterschool and summer learning opportunities to support student success.
What factors should you consider if you want your grant investment to have the greatest impact on student academic success? Here's what funders need to know.
The FirstEnergy Foundation awarded more than $3.43 million to nearly 100 organizations across its six-state service territory for the final round of "Investing with Purpose," an initiative focused on supporting nonprofit organizations that advance health and safety, workforce development, educational and social justice initiatives.
The Provident Bank Foundation awarded more than $620,000 in grants to 43 nonprofit organizations during its first cycle of giving in 2022.
Kearny Bank Foundation grants $29,000 in scholarships to New Jersey high schools.
The Provident Bank Foundation (PBF) on May 11 announced Major Grant recipients for its first cycle of 2021.
The the F. M. Kirby Foundation announces 87 grants totaling $7.7 million were made in the first four months of 2021 to nonprofit organizations working to foster self-reliance and create strong, healthy communities throughout New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, as well as national nonprofits largely based in Washington D.C. and New York City.