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COVID-19 Funder Briefing Series: NJ VOAD Responds to the Coronavirus

COVID-19 Funder Briefing Series: NJ VOAD Responds to the Coronavirus

Monday, March 30, 2020 -
4:10pm to 5:10pm EDT
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Hear Executive Director Keith Adams speak on how New Jersey VOAD members are responding to the current crisis during our first COVID-19 Funder Briefing.

New Jersey Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) is a coalition of organizations dedicated to developing and sustaining community resiliency in the face of disasters. In his presentation, Keith will share how NJ VOAD is working with their members, nonprofits, and state partners to coordinate efforts and help to avoid duplicative services. He will also share some of the long-term needs and where there may be gaps in services. NJ VOAD’s dedication to helping communities throughout the entire disaster cycle will provide insight into the continuous and comprehensive efforts that will be essential for improving outcomes for New Jerseyans, especially for our most vulnerable populations.

Following Keith Adam's presentation, CNJG will provide an update on our own work assisting with COVID-19 response and relief efforts.

Cost: Free for CNJG Members and Nonmember Grantmakers.
This program is open to Grantmakers only.

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