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CNJG Documents/Reports

A CNJG member queried the Health & Aging listserves asking for sample letters of inquiry. This document includes a few responses from fellow members. If you would like to add yours to this list, please email us.

Audience: All Funders

A pictorial overview of CNJG's first 20 years.

The 2017 New Jersey Foundation Benefits & Salary Report provides a valuable benchmarking resource. Developed and compiled for Council members exclusively, the report presents comprehensive benefits data specific to New Jersey's grantmaking community, alongside data from the Council on Foundations' annual salary survey.

Audience: All Funders

CNJG's Storify content from their Signature Events.

The 2014 New Jersey Foundation Benefits & Salary Report provides a valuable benchmarking resource, developed and compiled for exclusively for CNJG members. The first section, the 2014 Benefits Summary Report: New Jersey includes benefits data related to employment, leave, retirement, costs and more. The second section, the 2014 Grantmaking Salary Tables: New Jersey, Tri-State Area and National Data provides compensation across a wide range of positions and grantmaking entities, and includes salary data from the Council on Foundations’ 2014 Grantmakers Salary Survey.

Audience: All Funders

This report contains compensation data for positions at community, private (family and independent), public and corporate foundations, and other staffed grantmaking entities.

This guide was designed to help the state’s philanthropic community understand their ethical, legal, and fiduciary requirements and obligations.
Audience: All Funders
Topic: Governance
This includes insights and tips related to board governance, legal compliance, grantee communications, fiscal responsibility, public disclosure, and many other key areas of foundation governance and operations.
Audience: All Funders
